The South African Alien Invasive Species regulations are unlawful and consequently not worth the paper they are printed on. This is by no means an isolated case. In fact I think there is good reason t...Read More
The New Testament advises us not to put new wine in in old skins. Its good advice that speaks to practical experience learnt over millennia. It is often ignored. This is true even to this day. Env...Read More
Some years ago Professor Alpheus Zulu responded to the call to make isiZulu the language of instruction at the University of KwaZulu- Natal by saying that this could not be done because isiZulu lacked...Read More
The judgement in the matter between Earthlife Africa and the South African Minister of Environmental Affairs case has caused some excitement in environmental circles because it is the first time an en...Read More
One of the things South Africa is truly exceptional at is racial classification. After all we have had a lot of practice. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that the National Environmental Mana...Read More
Trevor Noah’s evocatively titled autobiography “Born a crime” reminded me of an article I wrote about the 2013 attempt to list species as invasive. The power behind Trevor’s title lies in the ...Read More
I have concentrated in recent articles on the importance of the environmental principles set out in section 2 of the South African National Environmental Management Act (NEMA). This is because NEMA ...Read More
Trout have not been listed as invasive in South Africa, nor is it likely that they will be if the rule of law survives in this country. This has not, however, stopped the Department of Environmental A...Read More
It seems South Africans, including government itself, are ignoring the alien invasive species lists and regulations (AIS Regulations) that came into force on 1 October 2014. According to a draft repor...Read More
A full bench of the Gauteng Division of the High Court threw out the 2009 Moratorium that Minister Van Schalkwyk had imposed on the sale of Rhino horn for lack of proper consultation. The current Mini...Read More