In many parts of Africa a ‘front line’ has developed between humans and wild animals. People are stressfully aware of their vulnerability, whether from predators that eat their stock, or f...Read More
A full bench of the Gauteng Division of the High Court threw out the 2009 Moratorium that Minister Van Schalkwyk had imposed on the sale of Rhino horn for lack of proper consultation. The current Mini...Read More
Despite the 1989 global ivory trade ban, poaching and ivory smuggling have not abated. More than half of Tanzania’s elephants have been killed for their ivory since 2007. A similarly alarming story ...Read More
In the wake of the brazen killing of a captive white rhino cow and calf within , of all places , the holding bomas at the head quarters of Ezemvelo’s game capture operations in Zululand in May 2017 ...Read More
SUMMARY: TRANSFORMATION AND ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT INITIATIVES BACKGROUND The iSimangaliso Wetland Park (“Park”) was listed as a World Heritage Site in December 1999. It was the anchor project of th...Read More
“It was a tiny grubby-looking little pub. If Hagrid had not pointed it out, Harry would not have noticed it was there. The people hurrying by did not glance at it. Their eyes slid from the big book ...Read More
The south-east African country of Mozambique stretching over some 310 000 square miles is the world’s 36th largest. A former Portuguese colony the country experienced a violent and turbulent past. T...Read More
In this excellent article by Dr. Chris Brown from the Namibian Chamber of Environment, the relationship between hunting and tourism and conservation is discussed. Click on the link below to read the a...Read More
One of the little-known Africa conservation success stories is that of the relationship between the safari hunting of the mountain nyala and the Afro-montane forests of Ethiopia. This video production...Read More
21st December, 2016 Dear Ambassador Xin Shunkang, During the past few weeks, several Chinese nationals have been apprehended and charged with wildlife crimes, including illegal possession of rhino hor...Read More