If not predated by man, elephant populations can grow at the rate of approximately 5.5%/annum, doubling every 13 years until the approach of maximum carrying capacity forced by food limitation. Man is...Read More
INTRODUCTION The past months have been quite extraordinary for MozParks Foundation: several wildlife rescues, community work, overseas events, awards and articles in the National newspapers – not ba...Read More
On April 4, 2014, USFWS suspended imports of safari hunted elephant trophies due to insufficient information on the status of elephant in Zimbabwe and an outdated elephant management plan. It has take...Read More
Animal rights groups claim that safari hunting does nothing for wildlife or ecosystems. The Bawa hunting concession spans almost one million acres across the South bank of Lake Cabora Bassa. It incorp...Read More
The United States Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke has announced the creation of the International Wildlife Conservation Council. The Council will provide advice and recommendations to the Secreta...Read More
Botswana’s tourism industry is largely nature-based, relying on wildlife resources. In the 1990’s the Community-based Natural Resource Management program (CBNRM) was adopted. The idea? Whe...Read More
The principal concern for those managing elephants in most of their populations relates to their declining numbers. Causes of the declines are well understood and ascribable principally to poaching,...Read More
The recent political events in Zimbabwe have raised the expectations of a revival in the country’s fortunes. Hopefully the wildlife sector won’t be left out. In 2005 Dr. Rolf Baldus and the late D...Read More
Over the last month and a half I have done some traveling or a bit of a discovery mission. I started with the AGM at the reserve which I own shares in in Botswana. My involvement in this reserve gives...Read More
Then there is hypocrisy. Paradoxically, the act of surgically harvesting rhino horns from privately owned rhino for sale through a professionally managed legal market, allowing the animal to continue ...Read More