The concern expressed by John Forrest in a recent article in the journal Oxpecker that mortality among white rhino in South Africa due to present drought conditions could exceed numbers poached, made ...Read More
The government and people of Tanzania have set aside 30% of the country’s total landmass for wildlife conservation. Approximately 100 000 square miles of this land lies outside of national parks...Read More
I thought I would clarify the whole saga around rhino ranching, Ian Players position on that topic and on the whole subject of legalization of trade in horn, and how he came to play a key role in the ...Read More
Is there an example where commercial trade in an endangered animal has saved the species? Trade Bans Don’t Work Part 2. from The Conservation Imperative on Vimeo....Read More
The city of Maputo is safe haven to several rhino poaching syndicates. Swaziland’s rhinos are the closest rhinos to Maputo, so we have no illusion about the threat this poses to their safety. Swazil...Read More
Leonardo’s Sailors A Review of the Economic Analysis of Wildlife Trade Alejandro Nadal Francisco Aguyao June 2014 The Leverhulme Centre for the Study of Value School of Environment, Educatio...Read More
On 1 October I attended the launch at the Cape Town Press Club of The Integrated Rhino Poaching Strategy – ‘The Plan’. It had been heralded as the start of a new pragmatic partnership between pa...Read More
Zambia has one of the most diverse wildlife populations in the world thanks to the wide variety of habitats. Although there are no mountainous regions, there are lakes, swamps, vast flood plains, larg...Read More
Liebigs cattle ranch in Zimbabwe was one of the largest in the Africa. Situated in southwestern Matabeleland, Zimbabwe, it was originally staked out in the then Southern Rhodesian lowveld in the 1930...Read More